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Inktomi is a U. C. Berkeley Research Prototype search engine. Prototype is the operative word here because I think this engine still needs some work before they take it out of the garage. Numerous of my site submissions have been ignored. They are going to commercialize this project and in the course of the move they have issued a concern about taking your URL submissions. There is little documentation on this service. They do publish information about how they came up with the name for the service and how to pronounce it. Instructions for using Inktomi are so simple that they take up only a few paragraphs on the query page. Inktomi has a few words about how other search engines count the pages they index, but they have nothing to say about how many pages they index themselves. There is a short page describing the Scalable Web Services technology used by Inktomi. The search engine is fast and simple to use, but the results returned are thin and not at all comprehensive. The developers are Paul Gauthier and Eric Brewer of the University of California at Berkeley. (5/5/96)