Owned by Cheitan and indigoo

You know what I hate? Religion. God, I hate religion. I walk in my town, and I pass about five churches in 10 minutes. Not only that, but every Sunday people are parking IN THE ROAD because theres no more place inside the parking. What is it with this obsession they have?! At school, every day we have an assembly. In assembly, we pray and sing to 'the Lord' for about half an hour. All the thousand pupils participate in this great event to be with the Lord! Comon, give me a break! The reason people believe that much, is obviously because they were brainwashed to believe that much. 'Free will', ya right. From birth they're raised in religion so deep that by the time they're grown up and can think for themselves, they can't hold their own oppinion on that subject.

Alright, so I shouldn't bitch about people if it doesnt affect me (Although this is the Bitching Section of the hack, and I usually do bitch about things that don't concern me). So I'll tell you the main reason why it pisses me off so much. I'm atheist, as you might have guessed, but for some reason the xtians can't seem to get that in their mind! They always try to pray for me, and always try to make me to 'Love the Lord' so that 'I can find peace and beauty in life'. Give me a fucking break! I don't harass them saying 'God is dead, live with it, it's all in your head, it's the Santa Claus for adults'... Yet they seem to always be harassing me with THEIR crap! I don't want to look as if I want to abolish religion, but I just want to get the message that if your christian, don't try to force your beliefs on other people! Your only making enemies, and you are not 'enlightening' them.

People like that really piss me off! So, that's my bitch of the day, hope you enjoyed it!

Just to keep you up-to-date, the next bitch will be about 'People who get offended by shit that doesnt even concern them', so watch attrition for more first-rate bitching brought to you by: Team Escape!

Peace out!

Greets goes to everyone at the Deathclock Forums (Steve, Tina, Sylvie, Austin, ryan, and of course, the site owner: Raymond)... Couldn't forget about you guys! :P
Also, congratulations to Tina for her kiddo to come!
---Love, Uncle Death

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