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Labor Day Parade

Labor Day in Fort Bragg brings the spectacular Labor Day Parade, a tradition dating back to 1939. This years theme is "Paul & Babe Remember the Past and Envision the Future" Every year the parade is filled with exciting floats, beautiful cars, bands, horses and much, much more. It’s a great way to spend your Labor Day, and at the same time enjoy the beautiful Mendocino Coast. The parade starts at 11:00 sharp, beginning at Oak and Main streets. It proceeds north to Pine Street then east to Franklin, traveling south to Oak Street. From there it turns west on Oak, returning to the staging area inside the Georgia Pacific Mill. This years parade chairperson in John Skinner. Be sure to enjoy this last big celebration of summer on the Mendocino Coast.


For information or entry forms write or call:

Paul Bunyan Days Parade

P.O. Box 2282

Fort Bragg, CA 95437
