site owner: i didn't mess with anything, so dont worry, nothing is harmed. Your old htm is index-old.htm


I wanted to do this hack to express my feelings on all the wannabe's out there. everyone know the "good" hacker neoh, right? it seems as if he's just a dos kiddie and a lame person, all around. not to mention he's still in the days of taking over chans. lame. check out this... here's an article he supposely wrote on the TLS handshake protocol. and here's the RFC to it.. if you compare them, you see he just copied shit off the RFC to make his own "article". thats called plagarism, and a lame attempt to look like he knows something. even on his "overview", he has things copied, except for the first 2 lines. i bet this boy dont even know what a protocol is. how lame neoh.... how lame. you should be ashamed of yourself. bad boy. embarassed? i think it would be wise to take down that nice article soon. ":]"

oh yeah....neoh....dont try to rehack this to hide the embarassment, that would be even more lame.





g0 aways:

neoh - yeah you lamer, go away, you make attrition look bad.

sh0rty - you also.. another real lamer here people. this one is in a dos kiddie clan.

