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Advanced Racing Clinic - April, 2000

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Supporting a generation of shitty security!

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Team Echo is Saaaiiilliiiiiinnnnng

It's amazing how opinions vary from person to person when you take down a site. You get administrators that are totally pissed and write little hate letters and then you get administrators that are totally supportive and offer thanks for showing them they were not invulnerable to attack. We would like to share a recent supportive letter we recieved from one one of the network administrators of a site we exploited.  This is exact text. Name and domain have been omitted to protect him.

Thank you for the hack  www. *******.com

I am glad that I can finally show the firewall admin at work what it means
to have a crappy firewall in place. I hope that they will fix this now.
The only thing I did not like was the 4:00 am wake up call I got to let me
know you were there. I am not like the revenge seekers of the world I am
glad for the show that they need some work.


Now isn't this the way it should be??????

dear admin. Is this the way YOU feel? Do you feel that we HARMED your site in any way? Even though we renamed and backed up your oldindex.html? After all, we could of  just deleted every damn file on your server........... OR do you feel we showed you that you were not secure and you will learn from it?

Email Team Echo