Your regularly seen web page will not be up for a while.  Instead you will see this Defacement by Team Echo.

teamecho3.jpg (118049 bytes)

Chalk another up for us, don't know how many this is but, its 1 more than the last one. 


Damn, everytime we do a site the fucking list of shouts gets bigger and bigger.

Any questions, comments, concerns, hate mail, fan mail, mail us @

We'd like to hear from you surprisingly enough. 

Guess thats all for now, oh todays hack is brought to you in part by 7-ups new slogan: MAKE 7 UP YOURS.

Quote of the day:  Maybe I'll buy myself a rolls or maybe a chevrolet!!!

Shouts:   Bansh33, Dukj, Zenomorph, Analognet, himi, Sys-Edit, Sh00ter, Nocx, Angel, Dragon, Fuck Shit Up, BusDr1v3r, Bo$$, The Black Priest, Cybrsoul, Digital Domination and Political Genocide.