hhell/freax was here.


0wned. I suggest using a more secure box. I didn't touch anything so dont worry. however, if your site was anymore insecure, i could of banged your daughter. your old html = Welcome-old.

go away lame dos kiddies:
(log below of neoh admitting he did a lame dos attack on me for no reason.)

<hell> trying to act innocent about your lame dos attacks
<neoh> if you have common sense, maybe you can figure out things easier.
<neoh> who said anything about innocence?
<hell> i do......and my connection starts lagging for no reason? sure thats not you
<neoh> it was me.
<neoh> I didin't deny it.
<hell> lame.....i predicted it
<hell> i predicted neoh

go away fred:

go away fred durst....for saying shit about slipknot.

sh0uts like always.....

#d0se, #whiteh0use, #texcyn
Xanatos, Kool-Aide, mugsta, hellangel, ^Slack^, wolfman, BigCat, jac0b, immortalx, jessie(wimp).
korn, slipknot, system of a down.



Hey Slack, here's your double greets - i love you, mang.