h0h0h0h0h0 another insecure website from belgium It is gettingabout time peepz start renting company's to implement a security featurein there networks. Stop talking bullshit, laws will not prevent it andi know what the consequense can be when getting caught. Instead of praisingdewdz alike redattack u betta open yer eEyes before the community will closethem. Or maybe u just missed all the attention to security cuz u were buzzywith patching yer servers for that silly Y2K thing, it was a hype afterall.In the 80's our dear Bill Gates talked about a problem for the year 2000and he was right back then, but how is the man possible to sell productsin the 90's that still are retarded concerning this 2000 issue ? Linuxfor instance was released as Y2K compliant duhuh FACE the fact.I'm very sorry we disturbed yer lill live as administrator and not payingattention to all the advisories on the mickeysoft pages. Allthough thereare fixes for th is bug but u prolly neva checked them ut. Live is more then being an admin and explaining outlook to your smart ass users. But we aren't talkers, we do it whenever we alike to do it, not as all those redattack hackers claimed to deface the whole *.be domain or taking down Electrabel. Well at least i admit it, i'm no hacker i just know some easy bugs and have a few network skillz. But i dunt promote myself as one cuz i do prevention of it. We thought that ReDaTtAcK was securing all the importa nt sites, but as you can see he isn't !! We're sorry Frans but maybe it's about time that you stop talking and start ACTING !! Shout outz to cheitan, FuzzBall, and everyone making a difference spl0it keep it real hacked by Indig00 -Aragorn