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Your username and password must consist only of letters and numbers.

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Contact Information
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Game Information
Empire Name:
Leader Name:
Game Choice:
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Game Descriptions
Intensive Game This game is for players interested in the most involved level of games with a relatively large number of players. It is intended for players who know quite a few others or plan to spend a large amount of time within the game. If you expect to be involved in any sort of alliances existing outside of the actual game, you MUST join this game.
Regular Game This game is for players interested in a standard level of competition with a relatively large number of players. They are also designed for players who just know a few other players and plan to be relatively active in the game. Players should NOT select this option if they know many other players. These games are meant to allow families and small groups to play together. Players in this game are NOT allowed to participate in organizations and alliances maintained outside of the game.
Randomized Games This set of games is also for anyone who wants to be placed into a smaller game at random. Because there are many games in this selection option, the games will be small, thus more manageable and interactive. These games allow players to develop more meaningful interaction with a smaller group of opponents. Players who know no or few others in the game should join this set of games. As above, players in these game are NOT allowed to participate in organizations and alliances maintained outside the game.

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By creating this account, I have agreed to all Echelon rules included in the Echelon Gaming Policies.