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The JDF Washington Report
Vol. II, No. 7, March 19, 1999

Diabetes Funding Letter to Chairman Porter 244 Signatures!

The Congressional Diabetes Caucus has circulated a letter to all Members of the House of Representatives (see WR: II, 6) urging their colleagues to sign a letter in support of increased federal funding for diabetes research. Based on recommendations by the Diabetes Research Working Group (DRWG), the letter outlines the need for $827 million for diabetes research for FY2000, up from $449 million appropriated in FY99. This letter will be delivered to Chairman John Porter (R-IL), who chairs the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, and Health and Human Services and Education on Tuesday, March 23.

Diabetes Research Working Group to Brief Capitol Hill

The Diabetes Research Working Group will participate in a special briefing hosted by Chairman John Edward Porter (R-IL) and the House Labor/HHS/Education Subcommittee on Appropriations. Chairman of the JDF Communications S. Robert Levine, M.D., will present JDF’s interpretation of the Congressionally mandated report. The Congressional Diabetes Caucus and other diabetes organizations will also participate in the briefing on Tuesday, March 23. See also, DRWG Strategic Research Plan Summary.

Senator Collins Introduces Medicare Insulin Pump Bill

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) introduced the “Medicare Insulin Pump Coverage Act of 1999” on March 15, 1999. Medicare does not currently cover insulin pumps under any circumstance. Medicare now covers diabetes testing supplies, insulin and equipment. A growing number of private insurers are now including full or partial coverage for external insulin pumps. Senator Collins cited research from the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial showing significant delay or avoidance of diabetes complications through tight blood glucose control. Chair of JDF Government Relations Leah Mullin’s letter of support and thanks to Senator Collins was published in the Congressional Record.

Congress Recognizes JDF Vermont Volunteer, Age 9

Philip Burgin-Young—a nine-year-old from Burlington, Vermont—sent a letter to Representative Bernard Sanders (I-VT) and Senators Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and James Jeffords (R-VT). Representative Sanders was so moved by the letter, he submitted it to the Congressional Record on March 2, 1999. The Members sent Philip notes pledging their support for finding a cure for diabetes. We congratulate Philip on his successful advocacy at a very young age!

After describing what Philip must go through daily living with diabetes, he concluded his letter by writing:

“I want a cure for diabetes so that I can do what I want with my life. I want to be healthy, and I want to help other people by being a scientist who helps to find cures for diseases. I also want a cure for all of the other people who have diabetes. As hard as it is for me with diabetes, at least I am lucky because my mom and dad and sister help me try to take real good care of myself. Some kids aren’t so lucky and they end up in the hospital.

Will you please vote for more money for research to try to find a cure for diabetes? I know that with more money, scientists will be able to find a cure more easily. There are so many areas that are being research and if they don’t have enough money, they can’t do the research. PLEASE HELP!”


Philip Burgin-Young

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Juvenile Diabetes Foundation—Government Relations
1400 I Street, NW, Suite #500
Washington, DC 20005
Fax: 202-371-2760
e-mail: mthreatt@jdfcure.org