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         		 --==[ F U B Y ]==--

Well lately, coming from me and numerous others there has been a complaint about kiddies running around defacing web sites for no reason at all. Well, as you can see... nothing has changed in the past few days, kiddies are still ripping up the pages with lame message. You might argue that this defacement has no point to it. Well let me tell you, this defacement is to show you who are the 'good guys' and the 'bad guys'. Below I will list nemuerous web page defacements done by both of the good and bad people... This should give you an idea of what I mean when I refer to these people as kiddies and that they have no apparent reason for defacing.

A lame frontpage hack with no purpose, courtesy of w0lf.
Numerous websites defaced by DHC with no purpose at all. no offense...
One of many of c0rvus's lame pointless CF hacks
YTCracker has a point? I don't think so, one of his first lame RDS hacks
1 of f1bers stupid one line hacks, damn your lame

A hack done by pyrostorm666 protesting the use of msn hotmail using the example of zyklon
One of many political hacks by the PhC, great!
Defacement revealing the long awaited return of team spl0it
A defacement by HiP stating some interesting things

Do you have any idea's of what is meant by 'kiddy' now?

Greetings to the few who are of good nature

Team Spl0it, NO|D, Xoloth1 and Meestervervalser, v00d00, p4riah, Sarin, PhC, bansh33, cub1x and HiP

and the staff of Attrition