The Internet offers families a wealth of experiences that can be fun, educational and rewarding like visiting museums and libraries, playing games, communicating with other people all over the world, finding interesting facts, checking out new music, looking at pictures, or doing homework research. It will also change the world our children grow up in, and become increasingly important for their educational and job opportunities.

But, just as in the real world, there are some parts of the Internet that are not safe for children. As with other areas of life, children need guidance and supervision online. Often, the kind of rules we set for children on dealing with strangers, watching television, or buying magazines are also relevant online. This site is designed to help families get the best from the Internet while protecting children from the worst.

Make the Internet a family activity, spend time exploring the richness of the Internet with good sites for children.
Support children's education and use our tips for productive internet use and links to sites for fact finding, help with homework and communicating with others around the world.
Learn about dealing with risks such as stranger danger online and use the tips for parents to keep children safe.
Set house rules for children on what information they can give out and where they can go online.
Consider using filters & label tools and look up other resources for families.

In Australia, movies, television and computer games are classified. Internet content is not. For information on proposed regulation click here for laws relevant to the Internet.

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