Have you ever been snow boarding??Well it's basically snowboarding minus the snow, the cold and the really thick clothing u have to wear ..just add sand dunes, casual summer clothing and some sunscreen.
When we sadnboard we ask you to sit down on the sandboard instead of standing ...because if your not an experienced sanboarder you can cause your self injury.
So now we have a more toboggan like ride which you may have experienced as a child out in the snow on a sled.
Firstly we must wax the boards to get the maximum speed allowed on the sandy surface ...we put the wax on the bottom of the board because when both surfaces (sand and board surface) are rubbed against each other it causes friction which melts the wax and this allows the board to skid over the sand

This picture is a good example of tobogganing down the sand dunes face you can see he has complete control ovver the board using his hands to guide the board as well as stop the board ....also incase you feel your going to fast you can put your feet out for additional breaking power.
Generally we try going down a good sized dune with a nice smooth trip down the bottom ...this section of our tours is always popular because it's something you don't do very often and it's also extremely fun !!

Tobogganing is for all aged people including those young at heart..if you would like more information on sandboarding email us or go back to the main page.