I'm not doing this to be malicious, It isn't for publicity, and it certainly isn't to gain respect.
This cracked site, and the defacements to follow, are all dedicated to Sunflower.
Girl you mean the world to me. I hope, in the near future, that we can give it another chance,
find out what went wrong, and rekindle all the special times we've shared. I'll always love you.

Shouts to: Wolf, All of the Damned, sSh, DHC, Attrition, @z, seenoevil, Raistlin, ColdStar.

A love like ours happens
only once in a lifetime.
You were a miracle to me,
the one who was everything
I had ever dreamed of,
The one I thought existed
only in my imagination.

Thank you
for the miracle of you...
You are, and always will be,
the love of my life.

Original page can be found here. Copy Index.hacked to Index.html to restore.