hacked by inferno.br --- OTAN eh submissa ao poderio militar norte-americano -- VIDE Iuguslavia -- Sera que existe algum soldado nas tropas da Otan que sabe atirar sem tirar a vida de civis inocentes ??? --- NATO is owned by the brazilian group inferno.br --- Stop the militar abuse and give some chance to the undeveloped countries -- why dont you pay more attention to the nuclear abuse in the asia ?? --- Why do you insist to use this dumbass operational system WinNT ?? -- Inferno.br is JZ, fn0rd, DogFace and zigFredy -- recado para o governo brasileiro: quanto tempo vcs ainda vao ficar com a bunda na cadeira e nao fazer nada para evitar que os ataques nas paginas brasileiras acontecam ?? --- thks to attrition, HNN, HNB, securenet.com.br and to the other defacers, JxLxMx, Bl0w, Einstein, TDK, haykar -- keep up the good work!