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Lack of security?... I think so, but that was totally not the reason for this. The reason for this is still to protest these 'hacking for attention' hackers. Hacking for attention just makes you look like a fool among the scene. No offense to anyone, but having a reason is better than having no reason, am I right? Day by day the increasing number of 'hackers' grows, and 90% of those people just do it because 'they can' or 'they wanted to let the admin know about his security problem'. In the second case... if you want to let an admin know he has a hole in one of his applications, e-mail him, tell him the problem, how to exploit it and where to find a patch. Give the person some time, don't just wait 15 minutes to a half an hour and than go in and deface. Be noble and honest, help people and gain respect. You might argue that I am going against my own words. Which is not far from the truth, but I just want to get some of you people on the right track. Well anyways, it's up to you.

Administrator... none of your files were deleted, merely backed up. Don't worry.

Greetings to the few who are of good nature

Team Spl0it, NO|D, Xoloth1 and Meestervervalser, v00d00, p4riah, Sarin, PhC, bansh33 and HiP

and the staff of Attrition