Information You Need to Know


In this Bulletin..

Insurance and registration is an important issue in the sport of gymnastics and one that always invokes questions from the membership. In this bulletin we put together some questions most frequently asked by the membership and we hope that this proves to be a useful guide. If you have any more questions regarding these issues please contact Gymnastics Ontario(GO) office.

1. What is covered under GO Master Insurance Policy?

The GO Sports Liability Insurance Policy covers all members including coaches, officials, employees and volunteers while acting on behalf of The Federation. Participants are also covered while engaged in GO sanctioned and authorized activities. Sanctioned activities shall mean all events, competitions or sports demonstrations run by GO or by member Clubs as authorized by GO including related training at sites of events and Club premises.

Sanctioned activities will include those authorized activities considered to be core to the operations of the vaious gymnastics disciplines governed by GO. These core areas can be classified as: Competition, Training and Demonstration.

(1) Competition
A gymnastic activity is defined as a competition if one or more of the following characteristics exist:
* formalized competitive requirement, format and protocol similar to the one in place for the sport, provincially, nationally and internationally.
* the gymnast's performance is judged, scored and compared to the other participants.
* the gymnasts are ranked and recognition (i.e. awards) given based on the ranking.

Any organized and structured regimen of exercise and physical activity geared to enhancing a participant's skill level and overall general abilities towards an end (i.e. improvement competition, new skills acquisition). Certain regulations are present for training activities such as NCCP certification, equipment specifications and technical guidance from GO.

An organized, structured exhibition of gymnastics skills or routines intended to display the positive attributes of the sport. Purposes of demonstration could be to attract interest and/or increase membership for participating Clubs. showcase and promote athletes, or highlight gymnastics as part of a larger event or competition.

2. What is not covered under GO Master Insurance Policy?

Gymnastics Ontario's mission is to provide leadership, develop, promote and guide gymnastics as a lifetime activity and provide systems and programs that enable all participants to safely achieve their potential.

Member clubs operate many programs and activities, most of which clearly fall within the sport of gymnastics and hence would be covered under The GO Master Insurance Policy. Inclusion under the Policy is directly related to the degree to which GO rules, regulations and risk management can be applied.

Some activities incorporate gymnastics but also include other elements unrelated to GO disciplines. The format and operation of unrelated activities follow no known Federation technical rules or guidelines and may present unacceptable levels of risk exposure.

Clubs are strongly urged to consider the operation of such programs critically and use prudent business decision-making processes before offering these programs.

Those areas that are considered to be "non-gymnastic related" (i.e. swimming, baseball, softball, soccer, arts & crafts, toddler daycare, hikes and field trips, etc..) are not subject to GO rules and regulations and are not covered under The GO Master Insurance Policy. For example, activities such as rock climbing, skateboarding, cheerleading, Bingo's, raffles, garage sales, bake sales and monte carols are not covered. These activities are not considered core to The GO's programs.

Please note this list is not all-inclusive and Clubs are encouraged to contact The GO for clarification on activities that do not fall under the Master Insurance Policy.


3. a) Are Birthday Parties covered under The GO Master Insurance Policy?

Yes. As a new initiative and service to the clubs, for the 1999-2000 gymnastic year, Birthday Parties will be included as sanctioned activities under the Master GO Policy. The definition of a sanctioned gymnastic Birthday Party for non-GO Members is the following:
* Gymnastic activities as per GO recreational standards and requirements with possible consumption of "party food" in a supervised environment within the member club facility.
Birthday Parties fall under the category of demonstration as they have structure components and it is understood that a club is trying to promote its gymnastic programs and is trying to generate new members. Participants must be supervised at all times by a coach certified at the appropriate level required: minimum NCCP Level 1 Technical. GO does not require the Club to register each participant but it is recommended that the Club keep a record of who participated (i.e. sign sheet with name, addresses, and telephone number).

b) What about Day Camps, Summer Camps, PA/PD Day Camps, March Break Camps, Daycare, etc..?

These types of activities also fall into the non-core category and are not covered under the Master Insurance Policy. The GO does provide an Optional Insurance Program at a discounted premium through its insurance agent for non-gymnastic activities. (please see question 4 for details).

These type of program are offered by many Clubs and provide desirable services to their communities while maximizing facility time and space usage. They also provide needed revenue for the clubs. However activities that are not gymnastics related are often involved in these programs (i.e. swimming, baseball, softball, soccer, arts & crafts, toddler dancare, hikes and field trips, etc..) and are not eligible as core gmnastic programs in competition, training or demonstration.

c) Are one day promotional gymnastic activities covered?

Activities such as "Bring a Friend Day" are covered under GO Master Insurance Policy. They fall under the category of demonstrations as they have structure component and it is understood that a club is trying to promote its gymnastic programs and is trying to generate new members.

As for Birthday Parties, GO does not require the Club to register each participant but it is recommended that the Club keep a record of who participated (i.e. sign-in sheets with name, addresses and telephone number). Any promotional activities that go beyond the "one-shot" format should, by definition, be considered a regular activity and participants will be required to register as individual GO Club members.

4. Are policies available for activities not covered by The GO Master Insurance Policy?

Yes, GO does provide member clubs an Optional Insurance Program at advantageous rates through its insurance agent, Ford-Dunn Insurance, for those activities. Ford-Dunn quotes details and premiums to Clubs on an individual basis for liability coverage and includes a special provision for director and officers liability insurance.

The policies are available because The Federation and its member Clubs have demonstrated a record of sound Risk Management practices.

Other coverage's such as travel insurance, property and equipment coverage and various types of commercial policies are also available to Club upon individual application.

Also, The GO still offers the popular employee benefit program, through Co-Operators Insurance. Member Clubs are under no obligation to purchase insurance from The GO's insurer. Clubs that obtain optional liability coverage must name The GO and should name other organizations who may be involved in the Club's activities (School boards, manicipalities and landlords) as "additional insured" on the policy.

5. Are Volunteers covered under The GO Master Insurance Policy?

Volunteers and the Club are covered under the liability portion of the policy but volunteers are not covered under the Sport Accident policy.

6. Should all members of a club be registered with GO

It is a clear requirement that all member Clubs register all individual members with The GO including recreational gymnasts, athletes, coaches, suppert staff, judges, together with directors, executive and supporters who provide the full member club with volunteer help and services on a regular basis. Failure to register all members within the allotted time frame will be considered an act of misrepresentation and will have adverse effects on the Club's membership status and, more importantly, there will be no insurance coverage for unregistered persons.

**The 1999-2000 Insurance Program for full members of Gymnastics Ontario
will be provided to your club in October.

To Contact Us

Phone: 416-426-7100
Fax: 416-426-7377
e-mail address:
Web address:
Mailing address:
Gymnastics Ontario
1185 Eglinton Avenue East
North York, Ontario
M3C 3C6

contact name:
Lisa and Ed Dunn
Phone: 1-800-461-5087 or 905-575-1122
Fax: 905-522-7005

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