Hi, Nemesystm is back with a couple of hacks for the DHC.

Levelseven made a interesting point when it claimed that the Frontpage exploit isn't a hack. I beg to disagree, I feel that it in reality is a true hack. yes, it's easy, but so is running any other program, code, etc. And even though many will deny it, a lot of the hacks these days are hacks through this way. I'm still in a learning phase, if you guys/girls would know how old I was, you wouldn't be complaining. :-) Now for the more deeper stuff.

I woke up this morning,
and it was quite clear.
Our future is uncertain,
and our death can be near.

Anyways, the DHC has expanded yet again, today I can proudly say that we have Spiderfire amongst us. Life is good. Trinity, plz come back soon! Members at the moment are: Nemesystm (me), Trinity, Caesar, Slash, Dark Plague, Aero, Zanith, and ofcourse Spiderfire.

Greets go out to: Nym, all the girlies in Canada + Belgium, Herrinys Armata, de Horny Story people, HRB, PH'Z, UH@vock, 7th Mafia, Kimble.org, the ppl's at my school, Assassin in particular (you tha man. :-).

Anti greets go out to: Petafrisch, the ENSS; where coming after you.

Complimentary pass: disney.com user: connollyone pass: belle
