- il livello sette possiede la vostra famiglia -

"we embrace technology, we learn from it, we use it, and we exploit it. technology is a very powerful tool, as is knowledge, but some people go beyond these boundries, testing limits, finding new ways and ideas... we call these people hackers, and we are one of many.."
- vent

The Level Seven Crew...
contact us:

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heh, how elite, hcked..err.."hacked" 3 times...stop with the lame frontpage shit..ok?

btw, old index can be found

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some shit we need to discuss:

ok, whats this?.. we dissing people again? cough hi-tech hate, sgi-joe.. cough... all your doing, is loosing respect. deface for a real reason, not just to say that "groups that talk l1k3 d1s are fags..." thats so fucked up, and gay. don't dis other groups, they have thier own style, just like you have your own style, so dont be dissin other groups cause it sounds madd gay, and even more lame... so take our advice, dont dis groups, or individuals, and you will earn respect and friendship.. and respect and friendship can go a long.... L--O--N--G way.

some stuff we wanted to add:

<vent> i was snorting riddalin, and got mad drunk
<Amaru-> u guys get wasted then come on irc?
<vent> heh.. yea..
<aforce> yup

Mad props go out to:
all of level seven, bugzy, motivez, kris, cult_hero, mcintyre, punkis, redfox, ditz, apex, orfeuz, huntles, blenny, attrition.org, N.Y.S
(helping us wif shit, and supporting us), FL3M, v00d00 (being a good friend to L7), Stonehenge, bl0w (gibbin us respect, and us respecting them) ... and some of my dirty little hoes... ;c]