
Okay have a problem. You have a FrontPage security threat that can and WILL be taken advantage of. If a malicious "hacker" had found this exploit instead of me, one who tries to help, your page would be in a lot of trouble right now. Don't worry, I have backed up your index.html - but please listen to what I have to say. First of all, you need to fix the frontpage problem. Anybody on the Internet can find out your Administrator's password by going to the address If they click "administrators.pwd" it will bring up something like this...


Now that doesnt show the actual password, but what it DOES show is the password in Unix-Encrypted format. And with a password as easy as yours (you really should choose a better one) it is very easy to decrypt. What you need to do is set the access so that nobody can get to the ../_vti_pvt/ page. That will fix your security leak. As for your password, you should use a better combination of numbers and letters than tractor1. I guess that is all that I can do for you. If you have any questions, or if you want to bust me for violating your page and helping correct your security errors, please feel free to email me at

- himi -