A . L . O . C . Australias Legion of Cyberpunkz

Red Line

Sorry to the admin and users of this site, but I had to use it to get a point across, as I could see no other way. Please click on the link below to continue to the orginal site

Original Site

I am Phrost Byte. This defacement is directed to the people or person who defaced the .army.mil site, and claimed to be me. Posing to be someone else, and trying to make them look bad or get busted is just childish. Those actions make you look like a 15 year old script kiddie, it is something someone of that age and non- existant maturity level would perform.

It is obvious that it was not cracked by me. For starters, I can write HTML unlike that garbage on the .army.mil site. Yes, the tags for the tables were ripped from my site, but the body, previously said, was obviously NOT written by me. I could go on about the flaws in the HTML but it's pointless. Also, I would say a 'big hello and I love you to my gf Phrostess' not the crap you put there.

Don't be so fucking gutless. Why not abuse / dis' me directly on a defaced site, instead of trying to look like me. Or even email me! You know where the ALOC site is, so I'm sure you have seen my email address on it. Although, it has worked in my favour, since we both know you are the one who now looks lame, for performing something of a 15 year old of non-existant maturity level would perform, and never owning up to doing it... GUTLESS.

If I offended you for some reason, fucking grow up! I will do whatever I want, however the fuck I want! All you so-called elitists get off your fucking high horses, are you all afraid of someone else stepping on your so-called 'territory' ?? None of you are any better than the next, you are all the same, run other peoples exploits, 'script kiddies', even if you do write your own code, its only to enhance your scanning of hosts. You are NOT elite, or anywhere near it! The real elite are the people that write the fucking exploits, and they dont hide behind handles or nicks. I have not once come across a large number of exploits written by groups (yes, I know there are a couple.. a COUPLE out there). You are no better than the next so called elitist.

Fuck you's to all so-called elitist groups such as:

  • B4B0 (cut and paste me!)
  • 2600 Australia (although you do have some good txts)
  • bl0w team (y3ah.. ph34r m3! .. pfft)
  • vent from L7 (we all know you are fake.. click here)
  • and every other superior arrogant 3l1t3 n4s4 h4ck1ng fuck on irc.

Greetings to the groups / people who do it for the sake/fun of it!:

  • ALOC (anyone affiliated with it)
  • UBT (un1x b0wling t3am)
  • Voodoo (bit of harmless fun? :)
  • Deicidal (jjj sux)
  • Trippytakka (when I come over... :)
  • src (thanks for everything)
  • v0rt (as above :)
  • and anyone I missed, you know who you are (ie, the last pargraph didnt offend you ;)

Phrost Byte

Red Line

No longer will I follow.
- mayonaise, Smashing Pumpkins

Red Line