When I sit here getting ready to deface...

I just sit there and think and think and think...

Then I think of something to write...

It might not be what you all want to hear but I write it anyway...

Some shit I USE to write was shitty, I went back and looked at it...

Then the other day I did a defacement that was like very very very Unethical...

I am sorry for defacing that one site I shouldn't have did it...



As I read in the news I see 'hackers' did this 'hackers' did that.

I thought that 'hackers' were suppose to be good. Not plastered all over CNN or some big time news network.

Are 'hackers' hacking for the media? Hacking so u can have your name and or group on some website is not cool. Maybe you don't want your name on the website maybe you do we will never know, but what I have heard is that SOME people are 'hacking' so that they can have their name/group on a News Site(CNN). Hackers are suppose to be like uncatchable or something...If u want to be untraceable I have a big ass list of proxyz(not garunteed to make you untraceable) but it's a start. I know this html might be lame to some of you, but think about it next time you deface something don't do it for MEDIA do it for Kevin Mitnick or someone or something that deserves it(ex: war,rascism,etc)

Well I might have gotten to some people maybe not, but if not you will learn some day...

When you learn it might not be good...(remember that)







/#feed-the-goatz(ban me?)/PS911/Neeper/Syxx/hype/phorce/Flamer/DrNuker/k0ld/Nemesis/And some other people/ =)

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