(If your llama goes "MOO!", then its broken.  But don't worry... a few swift knocks to the head with a bag o' doorknobs will fix that problem nicely.)

       Quick!  Start the Raindance!  Wait, what the fuck are you talkin about!?  We ain't Indians.  In that case, start pickin the corn.  Oh wait!  We ain't spics either.  Ok, then lets go rob some food stamps.  Shit!  We ain't black either.  What the fuck are we?  P  Nah... we're just a couple of squirrels with big nuts.

       Are we done yet?  NO!  You jackass!  Does it look like I'm done!?  You looked like you were done before you started, you stupid queer.  Fuck off.  Anyways, "Get tha fuck outta here bitch, you just buggin' ... my black nuts you be huggin'".

P = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307 81640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058781640 628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460

What is that?  Pi!?  That doesn't look that yummy, why are you putting in pi?  I think you have a problem.  But you know, we all do, so it doesn't make a difference.  Don't take your computer to the bathtub -- it doesn't work too well there.  But in the pool, thas where itz at, nigguh!  Just make sure its not submerged and poked at the same time, otherwise... *Poof!*  You're fuct.  Like a sloth with hemorrhoids.  And if you got some beef... I'll roll to Compton and bust yo front teeth!  NOOO!!!  Get the leeches off my nipples!  But you like them.  You told me.  I did?  Uh-huh.  Oh.  I don't remember that.  It was yesterday, after you finished beating the neighbor's dog with your dick.  Oh ok!  Now I remember.  Cuccumbers are big, green, and sometimes slimy.  So if ever you need something big, green, and slimy, get a cantelope.  Or some watermelon.  Or some tits.  BOOBS!

fob off vt (1597) 1 :  to put off with a trick, exuse, or inferior substitute. 2 :  to pass or offer (something spurious) as geniwine. 3 : to put aside.  <now fob off what once they would have welcomed eagerly -- Walter Lippmann>
invalidism n (1794) : a chronic condition of being an invalid.
       Now are we done?  NO!  Not yet.  Then how much longer?  I THINK I'M TURNING INTO A BANANNA!  AND A MONKEY'S TRYING TO EAT ME!!!

Erotic sensations tingle my spine
A dead body lying next to mine
Smooth blue, black lips
I start salivating as we kiss
Mine forever this sweet death
I cannot forget your soft breaths
Panting excitedly with my hands around
Your neck

Ok!  We're done now.  Great.  Now I'm just a peel.  You and your slow ass got me eaten.  We must now obey Satan's will.  Here are his requests:

1.)  Stop acting so damn crazy.  You're scaring me.
2.)  Put up those fuckin pictures I told you to... NOW!!