w3ll d00d, i w4s in th3 n31ghb0rh00d l4st w33k, ch1ll1n w1th muH n1gg4hz fr0m wes!d3 0ut ge0rg1a, wh3n th3y all st4rt3d ask1ng m3 ab0ut sk1llz, and im 4ll; 'sk1llz?@# wh4tz a bunch of n1gg4hz l1ke us kn0w 4b0ut sk1llz?' th3n out of th3 blu3 c4m3 th1s d00d 1n a tr3nch c0at, h3z 4ll, 'w4ssup my n1gg4hz, my n4m3 b3 m0rph3uz, and th1s h3r3 iz ne0' w3ll y0u s33 1 im3diatly punch3d th4t sk1nny cr4ck3r 1n h1s gr1ll and s41d, 'wtf?!@# y0 why y0u b3 br1nging th3s3 cr4ck3r 4ss wh1t3 b0iz d0wn 1n th3 wes1de?!@#' and m0rpheuz scr34m3d, 'd00dz d0nt y0u g3t 1t?!@# ne0 == th3 0n3!@#, h3 h4s m4d kung f00 and int3rn3t s34rch1ng sk1llz!' then 1 bust3d 0ut w1th my sk1llz 4nd sh1t 0n m0rph3uz sh0wing h1m s0m3 kung f00, th3n muh b0iz st4rt3d s1nging th4t s0ng, y0u kn0w... 'everybody was kung-foo fighting, dun dunn unn, their kicks were as fast as lightning!' 4s 1 s0ck3d 1t t00 th4t f4t n1gg4h m0rph3uz. th3n h3z all y3ll1ng up 1n my e4r.. 'm4yb3 y0u 4r4 th4 0n3?,' th3n i kn0ck3d h1m up ag41n and s41d, 'n1gg4h, w3 ar3 th3 on3z!'

- r3pr3entin w4t0 1n 99 y0h!@#


admin: its amazing that shit like this happens. this box is like what, 4 years old. never upgraded. never patched. heh, go buy a new solaris cd with your public education discount and subscribe to bugtraq. security isnt hard. just have to pay attention. sorry for the trouble but, it needs to be known that some sites have little or no security. sad but true, maybe if enough shit like this gets done. things will change.

# cd /
# ./restore

and your back to normal, security holes fixed. no damage done.


greets to: taw - you know. h0m3-motherfucking-gr0wn, britney spearz (d4mn sh3z c00t).