h t t p : / / w w w . h a c k e d w o r l d . c o m

Well it looks like the site you were trying to visit has undergone an unexpected change. It seems that there were some security issues that the system admin had over looked but dont worry they have been fixed and the original page has been left unharmed and can be found HERE!

Shoutz to: Mantis, Parasitic, Loki, double 0 zero, Deadred, Skat, SirGrim, Spikeman, Lotus, Doxavg, Conj, Tatt, R Snake, Squigy, Riddler, Nemesis, SnakePlis, Fallout, Zeno, Zero K, Ace Overload, v00d00, fl3m, keebler elves, holo, l3ash, Silver Shadow, Out of Step, Soulblade, Attacker, SpeedyGrl, Pandora, Shamrock, Appz, Infernal, DawgFish, r3c0n, An0n, holocost,The Duece, everyone in #parse, #nme403, #ehap & #ae on efnet, L0pht, Cyberarmy, HDC, WebFringe and anyone else out there I forgot to mention.

Before I forget a GIANT FUCK YOU
to the Lyrikal Crew!