j00 got haq0r3d b1 Segfault, how does it f33l to b3 0wn3d?!?!

H0w muCH p0t c4n a p0t sm0k3r sm0k3 1f a p0t sm0k3r c4n sm0k3 p0t?

shoutouts go out to : anarchee, termios, ath0, slayn, haz0r, sharpk, snowfreek, rps, chevy sreality , zyklon,

and kathya for having cockroches coming out of her pussie.

and fuq youse to Mata for hacking the planet, matt- for hacking the galaxy and last but not lease , kevin mitnick for being b0kb0k ch1ck3n sh1t.egfault

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Last revised: July 16, 1999.