aa.gif (3824 bytes) Flirting manualHacking
Our idiotproof Hacking Manual covers everything under the sun regarding hacking. Body language is the key here as you discover the path to successful hacking and gaining root privs.
lips.gif (2328 bytes)Pooping
Learn all you wanted to know about the sensuous art in  Pooping explained. We give step by step examples to walk you through this somewhat delicate procedure. We offer you comprehensive pooping tips to enable you to improve your pooping technique in our 3 step guide, as well as inform you about the many different types of poopin with our comprehensive definition lists .
Feature article FEATURE ARTICLE

Hello kids! This is uNFry from planet alphabeta!
I would like to tell you about this guy named JP (John Vanfuckavitch).
He thinks he can get away with anything just by pushing fake lawsuits on harvard university in order to take down packetstorm and take away their right to free speech. btw: This is free speech isn't it? 

Greets: bind, smiler, darkcube, xdr, keebler elvez (ok ok.), attrition, #dc-stuff, and fuck SDI. You brazilian bastards.

Thanks for the POP2 juarez, xdr ! 

Dating guideJP Sucks 
Our  JP guide covers all about what you need to know to win in court effectively. Covers everything from antionline to JP and how to rape his parents.
DumpingDUMPING Dump like a Pro! Our Dumping shows you how to break up Ascii into Hexadecimal, and how to respond when being dumped. Breaking up has never been easier.