Rehacked for the fun of it.

I'm flying high baby...and sky is no limit.  None of all you niggas out there can stop my FLOW. (Yes, ne0h, including you.)

The following is what ne0h has been up to these dayz:

1. Trying to own some of my  hosts. I logged the fucker scanning one of my hosts for various vulnerabilities.  Hey, ne0h, have you ever heard of stealth scanning? How come you like leaving logs everywhere? What about making at least 2 hops to a target host?
        The logs
-- TCP/IP LOG -- TM: Tue Jun 15 20:41:38 -- =>
 -- TCP/IP LOG -- TM: Tue Jun 15 20:41:35 -- =>

2.  Waging a one man WAR against the forpaxe group.  And what did Forpaxe ever do to him? Absolutely nothing...ne0h, is jealous of the Forpaxe group getting all the media attention.

        ne0h = media whore.

*** Well, eckis, I have nothing to tell ya. Just don't cross me. ***

Shouts:  UGCIA, attrition, Eat_Me (I love ya), secto0r, DoomeD, DA^BOMB, PS911, serj, Tool, Misfit, KoLdKuTtA, [0rpheus] , & v00d00.