Owned by Analognet ..again.

Hello all. This has been a pretty fucked up year so far. Alot of bad shit has been happening and those who have power should be working to make the world better and take care of the big problems. Not worrying about "hackers" taking over websites on servers with NOTHING on them anyway and creating a problem that takes 2 seconds to fix. Maybe if the world wasn't so fucked up "hackers" wouldn't spend so much time online, escaping the "real" fucked up world and trading it in for one MUCH more peaceful and nice. Those .gov and .mil's who think that bringing down a few guys for "illegaly entering a computer" will make the world better are high on crack. Bringing em down will only create more...and the more you take down..the more will arise. So give it up bitches.

I agree 100% with Slack Packet. The arguing, group wars, and underground bullshit needs to stop. Times have changed and are changing. While we have our own seperate little groups in reality we are all one big group with the same goals....and that's the way it should be.

Shouts to those that try to make a difference and stand for what's right - gH, Forpaxe, Stonehenge Crew, and the countless individuals who would take way to much time to list. Thanks for keepin it real

Also a quick shout to my boyz K-Rage and Dragon.
