Owned and operated from now on by: Anonymous (I chose to be...)

v00d00 and Devil-C are right, we must stop this senseless group bashing. There is no need. Every group is trying to out-do another, what for? So they can get more of the spot-light? What spot-light? Are we on the news for hacking/defacing pages? Are we in newspapers? Are we on the radio? The answer is NO. These hacks are only seen by us, the hackers, and pretty much no one else (unless it is a major/controversial attack). So why do we bash each other? I dont know, i dont think the bashers do either, they just do it out of pure stupidity/to show off.

I know this is not making sense, but what the hell, you gotta say something.

Lets me show you an example of bashing, i dont know about the other groups on that defacement, but we should not be on there, what did #irc.psychic.com ever do to 'Defiance'? Nothing, not to my knowledge at least...

Also, 'Defiance' is a new "gr3wp", that shows that they are pretty much nobody's and should be quiet about bashing other groups. Is it their duty to bash us? No, but they just feel like it, even though they magically appeared out of NOWHERE LAND on 5/23/99.

Now wait,your saying"H3y d00d ar3nt j00 lik3 b4shing the3m n0w?"

I say, nah, more like im just saying that popping out of nowhere and attacking other 'groups' right away is not a smart thing...

Free speech does not mean it is your duty to blurt out shit about other people, but thats your own opinion to do so.

Oh my, ive ranted too much!

If none of this made sense to you, dont worry, just click the little 'X' at the top of your screen and go on with your life, it wont hurt you if you do.


Greets to: Me, Myself, and I.


Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll,

Waterbeds and birth-controll,

Life's a bitch and so am I,

Fuck the world, lets all get high.