Serial Killers Domain

This site was 'hacked' by Serial Killer

-Serial Killer-

       Hackers are not the disease in the cyber community, Crackers are, they are the ones that will delete files, destroy computer systems, plant virruses and go out of thier way to cause havoc. In the proccess of changing the contect of this page we did not delete any files, we simply renamed the main page. May the Hackers live long and the Crackers die very shortly.

Shout Outs To: Everyone in #webfringe - ĈON - Black Magick - Zyklon - lyp0x - the whole gH crew ( keepin it real in '99' ) Team Spl0it - Redemption - the whole RazzaMexicana - p s i c 0 s i s - g0at security, we're going to miss you guys - dS - Divine-Crisis - WHiTe VaMPiRe - NeoMagic - ScorchWizard - Synapsis - Shadow51 - Chickens Lunchbox - Poisonburn - The 404 Crew - WiZDoM and everyone from IHO - }{ - DaIcEcReAmMaN - Game 0ver - Synapsis - Zerash - EvEnT-HoRiZoN - Lifeless - Jezzabelle - Spikeman - Lord Oak - T o t a l C h a o s - Crawl-X -HackCity - Packet Storm Security - HackList - genocide2600 - UHA1 - HNN - and everyone from WAGD]