And now a word from...


DISO = l4m3r -
Don't even try to tell us what to do. We own you, and we own gH. We are the masters of the internet, we are everywhere and everything. DISO watch out for us, because we're coming, and when we do, you better run, because you script kiddies wont last a second. You made a grave mistake threatening us tonight, and you'll pay for it. We are what you think you are.

Shout Outz To: -
Ant1-Secur1ty Taskforce, NeUA, NFSG, 2600, team spl0it

Lamers: -
gH, DISO packet warrior kiddies, Microsoft, Janet Reno, #virii, NT Boy

Note to Admins: -
Your site was hacked utilizing a major Coldfusion Webserver Bug. All websites and data changed were backed up first, so you don't have to search for your backup CD. Please get the patch for Allaire, and keep up to date on this kind of stuff.

For any comments, questions or complaints please send them to Yourself.

Brought To You By: -

Backup of original page, here.