H E H!

	Okay, we talked with f0bic in #./hack
	and we came to an agreement.
	gH and spl0it are basicly fighting for

	no more tangles between us.
	its all cool now.

	ANYWAYS.. this is my late-night anti JP hack.

	JP is still a dumbass gimp whore bag. Once 
	frauds like this lay off the crack,
	the net will be a better place.
	sites for the mind:

	Bronc Buster's Anti-JP page.
	Tattoman's Anti-JP Page
	Anti-JP Hack #1
	Anti-JP Hack #2
	AntiOnline Errata
	JP rips off more content!
	JP is demented!
	JP vs Innerpulse

	dont forget to free kevin, mmkay?

	- hacked by ne0h -