Indentity Contradiction

"The very process of identification,through which we project ourselves into our cultural identities, has become more open-ended, variable, and problematic...Within us are contradictory identities continuously being shifted about." --Stuart Hall This is a tribute to everyone that I can remember, who has helped me for anything that I have ever asked for. Thank you for being there for me, you have not been forgotten.

Friends ive had for a long time--
dimn ( FreeeZ) - best friend a guy could have, has never lied to me, never let me down.

exiled - still annoying, but somewhat cool. Seems to help whenever in need, doesent let me down, and has always looked up to me as someone worth while.

b0o - havent talked to him in awhile, wonder what hes been up to?

MrMud - havent talked to him either.. (this is from another net.)

insane - ah, I bet you thought I forgot about you. No, good people are never forgotten.

Snuggle - (Sprite) - I havent forgotten you, or us.. what we could have been.

KrissyP - my babe, and lubber. A good friend.

w0rm - still cool.

york - my buddy, almost thought he got leet and forgot about me. :\

Remmis - Dont forget ye, buddy.

blanco - good friend.

 o p e n e n d s   a n d   c h a n g e

People ive known for a little bit, but have helped me with my life.
mindphasr - a good friend, he respects me, I respect him.. I truely dig him.

mosthated - you know it, still cool.

nikfiend - goat whore, you are my man.. I respect you.

Devil-C - my hack bitch, he loves it when I do a nice hack.. looks up to me, I dig him.

complex - still my main cheese.

^fleSh^ - my pal, I respect him.

Mcintyre - attrition whore, still worth a shout, hes helped me out.

cult_hero - you know what you did for me, and im not forgetting it.

socked - you did shit for me that you wouldent do for anyone else, thanks for being there.

ech0 - your my man, you help me even with the stupid questions, thanks for everything.

icesk - you are my shell whore, I dig you.

godphater - phreaking buddy, helps me out alot, always there in need.

phox - another phreaking buddy, good friend of godphaters, I dig them both.

crypt1 - creept is my man, he started me up with this mumbo jumbo hacking thing.

Mantis - parse whore, I dig him.

LiCk` - my sweety, gotta lub her..

fred_ - you know im going to kick your ass.

TwisteD - thanks for being there.

Digital - thanks for everything, your great.

soupnazi - truely elite, I dig him.

Coolio - h0h0h0h0h0h0h0.

f o r g o t t e n  s o u l s

These are people I miss.. they left without a goodbye, and havent spoken to me since.

Burn_Cycl - long time friend, left a few years ago.

gecko - my sweety.

Kristen14 - my 'ol lubber, still miss you.

dataflux - shows up every now and then, have always digged him.

dont be upset if I missed you, you know who you are.. I had alot on my mind.
