HcV g0es 1nt0 sp4c3
i D1DNT STUttER WHEN 1 SAy 1 0wn3d

L00k m0m 1 3nter3d 0utt3r sp4c3 NASA styl'e - Proof & lack there of security.

We came & 0wned and left . yew know you lub it. Security is unexsistant . Believe the unbelievable cause we proved all and it just came true. Flame and thr0w rantz at us left and right but why if y0u do? Cuz we 0wned.. we like p1mp wh0res (white -black-all races!!@) , yeah 75% are yewr girlfr1endz. and m0re t0p secret 1nf0z . (My vacation to Amsterdam -London g0t s1detracKed 1 enD3d Up in N0rTh D4k0ta.I-L

c00l s1tez Dat f0r yew t0 v1s1t

We Shall Greet-:  HCV , Legion2000 , sn1p3r , LOU , eCh0 , l0pht , mindphasr , sil1cos1s , HFG , m1crochip  & email me if 1
m155ed yew illl s4y Im s0rry. Free 0pt1k he Will sign dah s0rry p3perz -end

0uch Fuck Yew t0o-: mOstHated (mad head dher) , Anti0nline the anal netw0rk -dr0p him emails he lubs gayz . SIS (r1p my 0-day
di3 di3 di3!@!)   -end  *We will be back*

Reply to Us at hcv0wned@usa.net
C0ming s00n T-shirts & BumBer Stickers Als0 . The.ra cl1ps of Live ph0ne 1nt3rnet wh0rez G3ttIng off c0llecti0n.
H c V(c) 1999 A r00ted pr0ducti0n.
by3 4 n0w j0in 0ur f4n cluB