Milw0rm - we 0wn j00 all, from Military, to isps, to forestry contractors, to comedy channelz...

y0u w1ll never stop us, we cannot be defeated, for there will always be a breed like us, the milw0rm is a trojan set to take over the world, no one is safe, you are all targetz...

Greetingz to all the Hull University Students who came to this site looking for accomodation over the next academic year. It would be best to go elsewhere because this site isn't going to be very useful now, is it? Our recommendation would be to just quit University and THINK FOR YOURSELVES as in the future, in order to survive, we will have to think for ourselves, or we will be eaten alive by a poweful machine, a machine known as education...

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JF - Hamst0r - Keystroke - ExtreemUK

Greetz, n0dz and gr1nz to....



The CodeZero

#ashtray lumberjackz




sn1per | chadso1ar |su1d | Deprave | AvGj03 | savec0re | cL0uT | LaYmUr