fly1ng h1ghMilw0rm 1998st34l1ng j00r w3p4g3 4nd 0wn1ng j00r d3s1gn

w3 0wn j00r html, w3 0wn j00r gifs, we seem to keep on going, we r00t y0u in a fit.

Intellimedia, we own you, and we own your partners, you cannot stop us, for milw0rm is a trojan that will go on forever and will not be stopped....

v1ew d4 milw0rm t3kn1qu3 4nd b0w t0 0ur html sk1llz...

Th1s s1t3 w4s 0wn3d by...


The Four Man UK / US Str1ke F0rce

JF - Hamst0r - Keystroke - ExtreemUK

Greetz, n0dz and gr1nz to....

The CodeZero
#ashtray Lumberjackz

sn1per | su1d | Deprave | AvGj03 | savec0re | cL0uT | LaYmUr