=   F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K.   =

                        We Sure Bitch A Lot

We sure do bitch alot.  No, I'm serious.  The disenchanted youth of today
and we writers of FUCK specifically seem to relish complaining and 
contemplating the worst points in life.  I admit that there is much to be 
disatisfied about.  Life today seems to be a never ending series of 
incongruous moments filled with confusion and frustration.  Being young we 
are members of the most disenfranchised and discriminated minority in 
America.  Why shouldn't we bitch?

But perhaps there is a secondary perspective that we are overlooking.  
Being young, every new difficulty and every new setback dominates that 
particular moment.  Without a complete background mosaic of life experience 
we suffer each wrong without the benefit of comparable crisis.  In simpler 
terms, we lack the wisdom that is often necessary to handle the stresses 
and tribulations of living.

It seems then that we are truly born to suffer, but I would like to suggest 
an alternative.  Before life has another chance to slap you in the face, 
take a moment now and tally up the last year.  Actually open up your word 
processor and write down all the successes and accomplishments of the 
previous twelve months.  If you are in the pits currently, this may be 
extrordinarily difficult, but try anyway.  For instance, let me offer you 
a few of the items from my list to give you some ideas.

	- I read 42 books in the last 12 months including Atlas Shrugged 
	  and Desert Solitaire, two of the 	most meaningful books I have 
	  ever read.

	- I realized I was in love with the right person.

	- I took a new job and got a huge raise.

	- I built two new computers.

	- I developed my juggling hobby and performed at my first show.

	- I went back to college.

This purpose of this list is to serve as an alternative to internalizing 
your pain and to serve as a outline for your continued growth.  The next 
time you are dealing with some serious bullshit, take a moment and review 
your list.  In addition add any new entries that come to mind.  If you do 
this you will be able to more easily step back from your problem and view 
it in a wider context.  This is guaranteed to relieve stress and possibly 
lead you to the solution to whatever problem is plaguing you at the moment.

Of course one list may not be the appropiate idiom for you.  For instance 
I maintain a list of all books I've read and when I finished them.  I keep 
detailed notes on my work accomplishments as an addendum to my resume.  
I keep a list of all the juggling tricks I know too.  Jericho of FUCK is 
another example.  This man has a fucking list for everything.  For instance, 
he completely catalogues every idea he has for a story or essay.

The point is, that everyone of us, no matter what the odds, has the 
potential for not only happiness, but for greatness.  Everyone us is 
unlimited being that can accomplish whatever goal we truly desire.  There 
is no need to wallow in misery every time you get screwed.  Simply compare 
your problems to your accomplishments and you will realize the great success 
that you really are.


= Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, Submissions  =
= Mail: jericho@dimensional.com                       (Mail is welcomed)  =
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=    issues, send a list of any missing issues and they will be mailed.   =
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