=  F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K.  =

        What is one of the most accepted things in this country?  Hint, look
at the title.  Brutality.  It is there everytime we hit the remote to start 
up the TV, it covers the papers front to back, and it pervades the music that
we listen to.  America has come to accept brutality as a kind of "white noise"
in the background of our lives.  
        Turn on the TV sometime.  I gaurentee that at some point while you
watch, you will see a murder, a fight, or something alluding to violence of 
some type.  The average child sees something like 15,000 murders on TV before
he reaches adolescence. By that time, no one can see death for the horror that
it holds, because it is just another episode of some show.  Even the news on 
the major networks gives more time to violence and destruction than to people
helping each other or something other than death or pain.  If someone is shot,
and he is comforted in his dying moments by a passerby who tries to help just
out of the goodness of his heart guess who gets more air time?  Right, either 
the shooting victim, or the guys who shot him.  It doesn't matter that someone 
cared enough about a complete stranger to try to help him, all that matters is
that someone was killed violently.  There is an old news motto that goes like
this "If it bleeds, it leads".  That seems to indicate something about our 
society as a whole.
        Newspapers aren't safe either.  Same thing applies there.  Good decent
people on the back page, blood and death and the things that kept our primitive
ancestors awake at night on the front.  Magazines?  Hah, compare how many deal
with how to be a productive member of society, or how to help people, and then
see how many are built around guns, horror movies, death, and pain.  A lot less
deal with the good side of humanity.  The print media has fallen to the ghouls
that we all are inside.
        Check out music.  Look at the bands and singers that make the money and
hit the big time.  Heavy Metal has been analysed to death, so I'll skip over 
that.  Look at Country and Western music.  That has a long tradtion of death
and violence that everyone seems to overlook.  Garth Brooks chart buster 
"The Thunder Rolls", was about wife abuse and a wife killing her husband who
was about to start hitting their daughter.  
        Everyone has a little of these demons inside, but hey, this is going
overboard.  Brutality is now a common way of life, and an accepted fact of the
world in general, and I think that that says a lot about who we are as a 
species.  I guess the evolutionists are right.  That ape in the closet of your
"evolved" mind is just a little closer to the doorknob than anyone likes to 
        So try not to let the ape out so often.  Avoid some of that mass 
produced, violent mind-candy that they have on TV.  If you don't, someone 
should beat the shit out of you.


= Questions, comments, bitches, ideas, etc : z1max@ttuvm1.ttu.edu :FUCK =
= Official F.U.C.K. Distribution sites and information                  =
= Board                     Number                Other                 =
= -----                     ------                -----                 =
= Ionic Destruction         215.722.0570          Eastern HQ            =
= Flatline                  303.466.5368          Western HQ            =
= Purple Hell               806.791.0747          Southern HQ           =
= Culture Shock             717.652.5851          Dist.                 =
= PCI                       806.794.1438          Dist.                 =
= Celestial Woodlands       806.798.6262          Dist.                 =
= Accounts NOT guaranteed on any F.U.C.K. distribution site. If you are =
= interested in writing for, or in becoming a distribution site for     =
= F.U.C.K. call the Woodlands, and apply for an account, or mail Max    =
= at z1max@ttuvm1.ttu.edu or on the Woodlands. Knowledge is power...    =