Subject: Notice of possible copyright violation of your material $ORGANIZATION; During a recent review of a book, I came across material from your organization included within. The book, "Hi-Tech Hustler Scrapbook" is "written by" Gregory D. Evans and compiled by William Fisher (ISBN-10: 0974561150, ISBN-13: 978-0974561158, LIGATT Publishing). The book consists of approximately 770 pages of news articles from a wide variety of media outlets, primarily from 2004 - 2005. The articles are included in their entirety, with varying degrees of credit. Some articles include the publication, author and/or date, while others strip the byline and original source. The author, Gregory D. Evans, has a well documented history of plagiarizing content [1], and using content without obtaining the appropriate permission from the original author. In a recent article, Mr. Evans claims that he obtained permission to use every single article in the book: : Changing the Game (Jan 18, 2011) : : In every book I wrote I put "Written By Gregory Evans" except Hi-Tech : Hustler scrapbook and [How To Become The Worlds No. 1 Hacker]. The scrapbook : was just made up of all the news stories for that year. I had all the : sources and everything in that book. Got permission and the whole nine yards. I have already verified with one publication, ZDNet Australia, that Mr. Evans did not have permission to use their articles. In a blog piece, journalist Patrick Gray covered this and included the relevant portion of a letter from his managing editor at the time: : : After checking with the global offices of ZDNet, I have found that the ZDNet : content that appears in Gregory Evans' 'Hi-Tech Hustler Scrapbook' was not used : with the permission of any authorised employee. If Mr Evans purports to have any : evidence of permission being granted, we would very much like to see it." : - Brian Haverty, Editorial Director I feel that given Mr. Evans' history and confirmation that he did not obtain the rights for some articles in the book, that your material has been used without securing the appropriate permission. Given that he sells the book for US $39.95, he is profiting off of material he did not write. The Errata team has compiled a list of articles used in the book, along with additional information we found via searches to identify the journalist, media outlet and date as needed: We are hoping that you can confirm or deny that Mr. Evans secured permission to use your material, with the intention of publishing a review of the book and outlining how much of the material violates copyright. Should your organization wish to pursue Mr. Evans further, we would be glad to answer any questions about the book and our upcoming review. Thank you, Errata Team [1]